
Why Ramble in the Bramble?

Sometimes picking through the content of my brain to find the good stuff is like taking a stroll through a thicket of thorny berry bushes.   I know there is probably something good in that bramble but have to pick my way through to find it.

My writing philosophy can be found above under the “A Perfectionists Nightmare” tab.

I hope you enjoy the blog and thanks for reading.

1 Response to About

  1. Carol Elter says:

    Marcy got me hooked on your blog! I remember the laughter at your quick dry wit and acerbic comments made while having coffee at Mary Jean’s. (Haven’t thought about her in years).
    Are You in There…my dad is in that interstellar space. Especially poignant .
    Thanks for the laughter and for telling it like it is.

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